Very fortunately, I was able to squeeze in a visit back to Oahu for a few weeks before moving permanently to Netherlands.

While I've definitely been missing it a lot, I have missed it less than I thought I would. I got to surf a bit in NYC, and I really enjoyed the pace of life while abroad searching for housing. It felt a bit like living life slowly again.

Biking around in Amsterdam has been so much fun. So many things feel closer on the bike, and I (so far) haven't minded the shitty weather much. Biking in the rain is another way to be in "nature", similar to swimming in the ocean. Even biked in NYC a bit the past few days, since I missed it as a way to get around.

I haven't made as much progress as I had hoped with sievvy, but something is slowly coming along. I found recently, which got my hopes a bit down. A pretty fleshed out equivalent product. I just have to keep it very simple and very cheap, no frills.

I've recently been a bit upset at the difficulty of finding a job/role I would enjoy. I'm trying to find things more academically oriented, especially if they could involve Lean.

It's funny what some salt water can do to memories.

I'm ready to get back in. Even if for just a little bit.